Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is my husband a baby model or a Glee star? Its hard to say for sure...

Our baby stroller and car seat arrived the other day. Chris set them up for us and then gave me a lesson on how to click in the car seat properly so that our baby doesn’t fall out. AKA - baby safety. He then proceeded to model what it will look like when we walk him around in public. I snapped some pictures then cried from laughter. 

 In case we ever need to walk the baby in the kitchen.. we now know that we can do a complete 360 with the stroller. No three point turns in our house. What a discovery!

 This would be an example of a "regular" stroll, except that Chris doesn't really walk like this...

This is Chris on the phone to someone super important, though you can't see his phone and so it could be mistaken for a clip from Glee. (Note: Chris hates Glee and makes me tape it and watch it by myself on Sunday mornings when he is still sleeping.... so he has no idea what a "clip from Glee" really looks like....aside from actually needing some "teenager" type clothes and a singing voice - I think he'd be a natural)

Glee star it is. 


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prepare the Ropes

Remember a few weeks ago when I was feeling "cute pregnant" well... that phase was short lived. It's back to whale town for this girl. I know I'm not quite as giant as I'm going to get... but we're back on track to needing those ropes to help lift me out of bed.

The other day I went shopping for a few new items because my clothes seem to have started to shrink in the wash. Pregnant people are expensive. And while I was back in good ol' Thyme Maternity I discovered that the little strap on bellies they have in the change room are supposed to make you look 3 months more pregnant than you are. So, being six months and all, I felt this was a prime opportunity to prepare myself for what I will look like come nine months.

ummmmm....... I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall over around that time, so can someone find me a walker? Surely this will be the only way for me to remain standing in the end. I am devastated that I didn't take a photo of this situation because it was hilarious and I nearly peed my pants in laughter... good thing I didn't cause I would have had to buy the ones I was trying on. (I might go back and take a photo for you... I feel this will be rather entertaining for all, and a great experiment to see if in fact I will wind up as giant as the fake belly says I will.)

Anyway, you've missed a few weeks of whale watching... so I'll catch you up on weeks 25 and 27... 26 was skipped as I started to wonder what these photos were doing to my mental state. Another joy of pregnancy...crazy-ass mood swings. Actually, we just forgot... but the mood swings are real. Just ask Chris, poor guy.

25 weeks - still riding the "cute" wave 

    27 weeks...prepare the ropes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The thing I like about pregnancy is...our baby. So far, that's pretty much it.

You have ups and downs in pregnancy, good days and bad days. This is common.

In the beginning, I felt gigantic, and tired, and had many things to complain about with few things to celebrate. But lately that’s been a little bit different. I still have many things to complain about, like the chronic back pain I’ve so graciously grown to accept, or the fact that I’m pretty sure I’ve developed diastasis recti (aka my abs are separating - also not helping the back pain) and sleeping still equals hate. But through all this complaining I have my Mr. Wiggles. I love him, and he reminds me almost every hour that there is good reason for this temporary suffering I’m experiencing. I suspect that it might be hard to understand if you’ve never carried a baby in your belly oven, but aside from being super uncomfortable most of the time, it’s probably one of the coolest feelings in the world. It’s also important to note that pregnant people are pretty much the coolest people you’ll meet - so go make friends with one. Anyway, what I am implying is that feeling Little Mr. Wiggles has somehow made me waaaaay more interesting… which…makes me feel cooler. So even though growing a baby has been pretty hard on my body, it’s been super great for my ego.

Also, I have started to develop a relationship with my little wiggler. Sounds silly, I know, he’s in there all squished and tiny and naive, and I’m out here all grown up and wise and free, but we still play together every day. Other cool facts, he’s ticklish. That’s right, I can tickle my baby from outside the womb (how much cooler am I now?) And, he loves the sound of my voice… I can tell because he high five’s me when I say hi to him every morning. Ya, my 1.6lbs baby gives high fives… it’s a whole new level of awesome.

I dream of the day when he finally gets out here and we can meet him and tickle him in person and high five his teeny wrinkled hand. But that’s three months away…soooooooo many months from now. Its borderline torture really.

Anyway, I wanted you to know that it ain’t all bad. I still don’t have a top ten list of why being pregnant is super duper awesome and the best thing in life… but this is a start. And being in love with a tiny little person who you can’t even see must count for something right?

So I’m getting there… the list of pregnancy positives is coming…slower than anticipated...but its coming.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Coach love

So this is a past "want" since I wound up with this amazing baby bag despite weeks of discussion, and begging, and convincing, but I wanted to share with you anyway because I feel the need to explain why exactly I love Coach so much.

Now, of course there is a back story that goes a little ways back. Like two or three months ago Chris and I had our first baby doctor apt. We arrived early (success for Tash) and waited in the wait room for our apt. A woman walked in with her adorable little baby and sat down across from us. I was clearly reading last months edition of Parent something or other, so I didn't entirely pay attention when she walked in. Now, like a good husband who takes sincere interest in my likes and loves, Chris nudges me and nods towards what looks to be her diaper bag. IT'S COACH! (insert jaw drop here) I LOOOVVED IT. From that moment on I knew EXACTLY what my first baby purchase was going to be. A diaper bag, a COACH diaper bag. Now, I feel like Chris is slightly to blame for what was about to become a three week long obsession... after all, he pointed out the bag to begin with right?

After arriving home I went strait to the computer and found what was about to become my most favouite baby item ever. Coach baby bag - messenger style. Love.

(it even comes with a change pad!)

Now if you still can't understand why I love Coach so much... here is why. A few weeks back Chris and I get home from work and check the mail as per usual. In it was a small envelope with my name handwritten on it, and it was from Coach. So, I opened it - obvi, what else do you do with Coach mail with your name on it? Inside is this:

A HAND WRITTEN THANK YOU NOTE FROM COACH! Really? This is like the sweetest thing ever, and now I love them even more. Good for them, bad for wallet. Yay for baby! :)


Monday, August 1, 2011

A Cute Whale: Week 24

I've been feeling "cute pregnant" these days and a little less like a whale. I've also discovered that it is very important to find ways to feel pretty when you are pregnant. This is good for your mental well being and overall self esteem - since the truth is, you're still a whale. So, lately, in my new found love for my pregnant body, I've been shopping my little heart out.  Item 1 - featured here is a Tommy Hilfiger beach dress that I got on sale for like $19. A must have. In the fall I plan to pair it with some cute tights, brown boots, and a new cardigan that I just got from Aritiza. My new favourite thing... finding clothes that AREN'T maternity. 

24 weeks cute. 

With that said, there are a pair of maternity pants that I might splurge and buy (truthfully, pants are hard to find outside of maternity stores). They are skinnies by Heidi Klum. If I can find them on sale and they fit me as well as she claims they will (we're pretty much BFFs), I will buy them. Otherwise, I'm done with maternity clothes and I'm onto staying "cute" for as long as the non maternity world of clothing will have me.
