Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Last Day....

Here it is... the final day!

Click here to vote (and please do so everywhere you can!) The race to the top is tight!

Click here to see our very last video (The Show Down) - It wont disappoint!


Our request for you today is that you find as many computers as you possibly can and vote Natasha and Chris! Today is the last day, so please pass this along to your friends, your family, your departments, whoever you think will take the quick second to vote for us today.

For those of you who want to listen in tomorrow morning, the morning show is on from 5:30am - 10:00am and you can listen live from your computer at We have no idea when the winner will be announced, but I would anticipate that it will be before 8:00am. Once again, we need to thank you for your continuous support.

These past two weeks have shown us how wonderful the people in our lives are. Because of your kind messages every day we have been able to find the energy to do things that we never imagined possible. We are grateful for each of you and really can't find a way to thank you enough.

Peace, Love and Justice,

Natasha and Chris

Monday, February 23, 2009

VIBE 98.5 $98K Dream Destination Wedding, Special Message for Tash

Hey Everyone,

I apologize that I never got the "No More Single Ladies" video up here today. I was running late for work, so I had to keep it to facebook and youtube. Today however, I've got a short special message for Tash..and a little something for the rest of you to enjoy as well.

Please enjoy, and don't forget to vote today!!!

If you are checking facebook we are pretty close to 2,000 members meaning I have to put on that cute little dress....yay....

Thanks everyone for continuing to support us. It means a lot. Only a few days remain to get as many votes as we can!! Then we can leave you all alone again!!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

A fun challenge

Good Morning Everyone,

Today we are gearing up for an intense week of promotion and voting. We are planning a few things to keep the momentum going, but we need all of your help to really finish strong with this. We started with a bang and we need to finish with a bigger one. Check out today's video for a fun challenge that you can take on if you want. The most important thing is to keep voting and telling everyone you know to do the same.

Thank you everyone for the ongoing support and encouragement.

Chris and Tash

Friday, February 20, 2009

Role Reversal

Enjoy this weekend video of Natasha being Chris and Chris being Natasha... eeeee....

For those of you who follow this Blog... we need you to do you best to recruit as many people as possible to vote this week. Things are starting to get serious! We are needing your votes and support more than ever! The contest has started to heat up and the competition is gaining on us. So be sure to tell your friends, recruit your family and make sure they vote (twice if they can). Together I know we can do this!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything you have done so far! Keep it up and we are going to head to Jamaica!!

Love Chris and Natasha

Date Night

Day 8... we keep pushing...

Here is a snip-it of what we have to look forward to for the rest of our lives....

Perhaps not as exciting as yesterday's video...but comical none the less.
Thanks again for all the support and Happy Friday!

Natasha and Chris

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ohhhhh... We're Half Way There...

That's right folks we are half way there... one more week to pull together and WIN this thing! I know we can do it... and why? ...because of each of you! You keep us motivated, you keep us pushing, you keep us excited! So once again Thank you Thank you Thank you.

This may be some of our best and most embarrassing work yet.

Please share with ALL of your friends and of course make sure you vote today!

Much Love,
Natasha and Chris

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


If we were still sleeping it may look like this...

It's been a long couple of days out in the field... but we're pushing and we want to thank you for all of the love, support and encouragement. We really could not do this with out you.
You're all amazing!! We hope you enjoy today's lullaby video.

Just in case you were wondering...

This is how wonderful my dress is!! Now let's get Chris in it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

That "Pretty" White Dress

We've made it to 1000 members in our facebook group... Can you believe it?!?! Now here is a short video of Tash in her "pretty" white dress... it's going to be a long couple of weeks!

But what will she do in this outfit? Well...On Wednesday Tash will be working out with her trainer at the gym, she has to return some items at the mall... AND on the weekend she will be attending a short conference in Alaska... all in this "pretty" little number she calls a vintage wedding dress. We will do our best to document it all.

BUT here is the new goal... if we can the double number of members in our facebook group Chris will wear the dress! So let's get to 2000!!

Happy Tuesday!

Chris and Tash

Happy Family Day!

Hi Everyone,

Today we thought since it is family day that we should have a small tribute to ours. Unfortunately, we can not be around family today as they are too far away. We decided to bring all of our family together in today's update video!

Enjoy, and keep those votes coming in!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A message from Spencer..

Happy Sunday Everybody! Here is our Day 3 Video update. It's a message from our fish Spencer.

I must say, I am quite surprised Spencer still loves us since we almost killed him once. Clearly as you will see, he is alive and well.

Spencer is our very first pet together...he's old for a fish (almost 2!) but still swims very fast...just not in this video.

Keep em voting everybody!

Tash and Chris

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day Two - Hot new Video for Valentine's Day

Good Morning all of you early birds...Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope that people are taking the time to check these videos out as we will have new ones uploaded here, on facebook, and on YouTube each day of the contest. They are a small token of appreciation from us to you in thanks for your daily votes. Here is today's installment, enjoy!!

Inconvenient Love

Since it's Valentines day I thought it would be fitting to share with you a little story about the start of our relationship. I am pretty sure I can pin point the day that Chris and I fell in love...even though we didn't talk about how we felt for a long time and I was convinced that we "just had a lot in common." When I reflect back on the weeks following this night I realize how crazy we must have seemed when people were like "Are you two dating?" and I was like "NO!! We are not dating! Why do people keep asking me this?" I was genuinely baffled because I hadn't told anyone how I felt about him...not even him! I kept those thoughts all wrapped up in my head...I mean how could anyone possibly know what I was thinking?...Thoughts like "damn he's hot" and "I think I could stare at his bum all day long," (we went rock climbing together a lot) things like this just don't pop out of your mouth when you are someones boss right? It was very problematic.

So where did this all begin you ask... it began at a K'naan concert in October of 2005. I had a few of my friends from Ontario visiting and I invited Chris because "we had a lot in common". That may have been my greatest mistake. I say this because that day single-handedly caused me more stress and problems for the next 6 months than I ever anticipated it would.

Since were drinking and being wooed by the beats of the 'dusty foot philosopher' I failed to recognize that most of my friends had left the concert and every picture taken in my camera was of Chris and I...sometimes with a friend in it...but even that was rare. This picture is one of my favourtie pictures of Chris and I because it was taken before we even realized how we felt about each other.

My point is this, sometimes life just throws you love at the most inconvenient times and if you're not paying attention, or you don't have a camera to catch it in action, the greatest thing in your life could just pass you by. So... maybe bring a camera out with you tonight.

Friday, February 13, 2009

VIBE 98.5 $98K Dream Destination Wedding

Good Morning Everyone!! Thanks for being so it is the big news!!

Thats right, we are in! So we need all of your help now. Here is how the process works:

Visit the website:
You will see a picture of Natasha and Chris, and right below that you will see a button to vote for us. Click it!

You can vote once per day per IP address, and for my friends with a little less computer knowledge that roughly translates to one vote per day per it if you are not sure!

Please send this information to everyone you know regardless of where they live. Votes count from anywhere in the world, and whoever receives the most votes wins!!

Stay tuned for daily updates/reminders to vote. Also, if you are a fellow facebook junky please join our group and invite your friends to join as well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stay Tuned...

Something Huge is coming...

Chris and Tash will have an earth shaking announcement for you this Friday, February 13th, 2009.

Check back Friday for more me, it'll be worth your time

... oh and by the way, Tash is not pregnant.