Friday, February 13, 2009

VIBE 98.5 $98K Dream Destination Wedding

Good Morning Everyone!! Thanks for being so it is the big news!!

Thats right, we are in! So we need all of your help now. Here is how the process works:

Visit the website:
You will see a picture of Natasha and Chris, and right below that you will see a button to vote for us. Click it!

You can vote once per day per IP address, and for my friends with a little less computer knowledge that roughly translates to one vote per day per it if you are not sure!

Please send this information to everyone you know regardless of where they live. Votes count from anywhere in the world, and whoever receives the most votes wins!!

Stay tuned for daily updates/reminders to vote. Also, if you are a fellow facebook junky please join our group and invite your friends to join as well.

1 comment:

  1. FREEEEAAKIN' AWESOME!!!!! Frig. I'm so excited, I can't eat my breakfast. You know I've always wanted to go to Jamaica, right?!? Not that this is about me, but if you win, I get to go! =) $98,000?!?!? That's insane! Insanely wonderful! Holy smokes. Remember after Christmas, I sent you guys a message because I had seen that commercial for Jamaica, and I said, "How about you guys get married there?" It's like Jamaica was sending us a message.... =) Oh man, I can hardly stand the waiting. You guys must be going crazy. Okay, I'll vote every day and actively recruit everyone I know.. Here I go. I have a busy day of pounding the pavement ahead of me...
