Saturday, February 14, 2009

Inconvenient Love

Since it's Valentines day I thought it would be fitting to share with you a little story about the start of our relationship. I am pretty sure I can pin point the day that Chris and I fell in love...even though we didn't talk about how we felt for a long time and I was convinced that we "just had a lot in common." When I reflect back on the weeks following this night I realize how crazy we must have seemed when people were like "Are you two dating?" and I was like "NO!! We are not dating! Why do people keep asking me this?" I was genuinely baffled because I hadn't told anyone how I felt about him...not even him! I kept those thoughts all wrapped up in my head...I mean how could anyone possibly know what I was thinking?...Thoughts like "damn he's hot" and "I think I could stare at his bum all day long," (we went rock climbing together a lot) things like this just don't pop out of your mouth when you are someones boss right? It was very problematic.

So where did this all begin you ask... it began at a K'naan concert in October of 2005. I had a few of my friends from Ontario visiting and I invited Chris because "we had a lot in common". That may have been my greatest mistake. I say this because that day single-handedly caused me more stress and problems for the next 6 months than I ever anticipated it would.

Since were drinking and being wooed by the beats of the 'dusty foot philosopher' I failed to recognize that most of my friends had left the concert and every picture taken in my camera was of Chris and I...sometimes with a friend in it...but even that was rare. This picture is one of my favourtie pictures of Chris and I because it was taken before we even realized how we felt about each other.

My point is this, sometimes life just throws you love at the most inconvenient times and if you're not paying attention, or you don't have a camera to catch it in action, the greatest thing in your life could just pass you by. So... maybe bring a camera out with you tonight.

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