Thursday, February 2, 2012

Let the Australian Adventure Begin!

As you probably know, we had our baby. His name is Cameron and he’s currently sleeping, good for us. After 20 hours of labour and 3 hours of pushing, Cam arrived in Reynolds style (with his umbilical cord around his neck) at 6:03 on November 15, 2011. Despite our little scare, he coughed then screamed like a perfectly healthy 8lbs 4oz baby boy. We both cried, he is amazing. I mean look at him! You should have one.

But ya, he’s 2.5 months old now, and I’m just getting back to this blog thing. Sorry about that. Being a mom is busier than you think. Even though I can’t ever remember what I’ve accomplished in a day, I can assure you that its busy. The lack of showers and the bad smelling breath from an inability to brush my teeth is proof that there has been no time for blogging. Now that Chris is home and about to become a full time student, a few things have changed around here. 
#1: Mom gets to take showers everyday. I also blow dry my hair sometimes and wear makeup. Its ok other moms if you are jealous, I’d be pretty jealous of me too. 
#2: Our baby sleeps longer than expected sometimes... like right now for example. We are going on 12 hours. Dont get too excited though... he did wake up at 530am for a feed and then threw it up all over himself and me and the rocking chair, and the blanket and after completely needing to bathe us both, he had to eat all over again...ok, so maybe he’s been sleeping for 3 hours. Still... dream baby.
#3: Double parenting during the week is the best. If only we could manage to do this and still make some money. Student budgets are rough. 
Anyway, we leave for our very exciting adventure on Friday. WE ARE SO EXCITED!! Its been a long year of planning - all of which Chris deserves FULL credit. I did very little, except well, I grew our baby I guess... Seriously though, planning this year long trip to Australia has been no easy feat, and Chris really does deserve a shout out for all his work. I was pretty damn lucky to land him for a husband. I mean how many other wives get swept away to the beach for a year? Ya...pure lucky pants. 
Now I can’t promise I will write everyday, but I will share our adventures as often as I can. Maybe if you are lucky Chris will write a few of these posts too. He happens to have some mad writing skills that he rarely seems to share with many people. 
So for now, its farewell Alberta and hello Brisbane! Fingers crossed Cam sleeps for those 12 hours again on our 15 hour flight to the land down under. 
xo T.

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