Sunday, October 16, 2011

Well ain't that just swollen... I mean swell

I fear I've forgotten how to write. This stuff used to just flow out of my mind and through my fingers. Now my fingers are swollen, and I don't even know where to start. Maybe I'm just tired. OR what I used to find painfully amusing about being pregnant I now simply find, painful.

What have you missed?
I went home, told you that....

I got some maternity photos done. I love them, and I will post them here when I get the CD of images....Please note that I don't look like that anymore. I'm a whale. Legit. Chris needs to lift me off the couch. Its brutal.

I cry all the time. Like everyday - which is double my usual amount of emotion. Facebook status' are killing me. Its like a Tim Hortons commercial I can read over and over again. Stop with the kindness people, just stop it. I'm getting bags under my eyes.

I've got 3 weeks of work left. Not sure what I was thinking when I decided to stay until November 4th. OH I remember, I was like 15 lbs lighter and still super ambitious, and loving life. I should have talked to more people with babies about this before making that crazy pants decision. I now know what it feels like to be 35 weeks pregnant and feeling like a loonie bird. Maybe it was genius... I come to work and they still pay me, despite the fact that I am swollen and useless and a little coo-coo in my mind. If I accomplish even one thing in the work day - I celebrate.

About the swelling... I can't wear my rings anymore, and I have to squeeze my fat little feet into the same damn pair of shoes everyday. I am also reaching a point where bending over to get shoes on doesn't seem worth it. I'm going to be 'that' girl wearing socks and sandals in the snow... AND I HATE SOCKS AND SANDALS!! Anyway... here is an image of my daily life:

This is me lifting my swollen hands and feet above my heart on our couch. I literally do this everyday to help the swelling go down (as if I have the hours or the patience to do this everyday). Yet, another reason why women should stop working around... oh say... 35 weeks?!? 
Also - my hair looks great in this drawing. 

We've got five more weeks of growing this guy, though he can come anytime after November 4 when Chris gets back from his work trip. Not sure who will lift me out of bed and off the couch so that I can get to work everyday. But don't worry, pregnant people are like superheros! The only thing holding us back is how giant and round we get, I'll figure it out.

Don't I just make you so pumped to have your own babies?


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