Friday, July 8, 2011

Fatherhood Friday – A fast approaching storm cloud.

The last 5 months have been exciting to say the least. From the morning I discovered I was going to be a father to the moment we saw the little man’s privates up on a monitor, each day has brought new realities to my world. The current reality is that my wife is building a human inside of her. This blows me away. First, I had no idea that she had these skills and abilities. I’ve reviewed her resume, and not once did she list the tangible tool kit of baby-construction. I enjoy science, and am quite proud of my high school biology marks, but the thought of what is transpiring inside of her is alien to me. I try not to think about it because it leads me to think of the birthing process which then causes my phantom uterus to scream in sympathy pains. That’s right…I’ve developed my own phantom uterus. Half-masked and all.

The storm cloud analogy is not meant to seem like something negative is approaching. I enjoy storms. I enjoy thunder and rain. I like the development of a storm; the dark rolling clouds and the sudden drop in temperature. I also like living in the prairies where you can see them coming. Of course I am also aware that some storms are more severe than others and bring destruction and fear. My perception of becoming a dad is a perfect metaphor to that of watching a storm approach. I am excited, but a small part of me is concerned that my optimism may be short lived if it turns into a category schfifty-five tornado. Now, you won’t live a happy life if you think that all rain clouds will implode into devastation. The truth is the majority of them don’t. Instead you prepare yourself with umbrellas, rain coats, and rubber boots (or sandbags and storm cellars if you live in Manitoba or Kansas). The same goes for my mindset of fatherhood. I’ll prepare myself by reading the materials our physician gives us. I’ll figure out how diapers work at some point. I might even Google some “tips on fatherhood”. I certainly won’t panic (I’m not the type – unless it is a fire alarm in my apartment at 4 AM at which point I am the fastest man alive). I’ll just exhibit confidence in whatever situations arise and assume somewhere inside of me is this fatherhood tool kit. Ideally I am similar to my wife who is red-sealed in baby construction management.

Instead of hysteria and worry I have chosen to start thinking of all the great moments that are soon to come. Walking, talking, and laughter are first on the list. Playing catch and learning to swim are next. Through it will be daily discoveries and the chance for him and I to learn together. I’ll get to re-live my childhood and laugh at fart jokes again, and talk about sports and trading cards. What I am most excited for is to see the growth everyday for years and years. I want to meet this little man and find out his deal. What is he all about?

I hope he is into naps. That is one of the best elements of a storm.


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