Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Whale Watch: Weeks 21 and 22

I've got some catching up to do! Sorry folks for my delayed postings, but its been a busy couple of weeks around the Reynolds household. Family and friend visits, cabin adventures, wedding receptions, Calgary Stampede, tornado on the block... I guess things just got a little hectic around these parts.

Here are a couple pics of the last few weeks in whale town. In the last couple of weeks I have discovered that: I can't see my toes, its getting progressively more difficult to shave my legs, sleeping has become near impossible, and I enjoy 5am snacks. Best part about the last couple of weeks? I feel our little peanut everyday and I LOVE it. Even when he kicks me in the ribs and it tickles - I don't suspect it will tickle for much longer...but it was funny at the time.

21 weeks grown:

22 weeks grown:

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