Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Do whales have ginormus boobs? Cause I do.

Somehow in the last week or so, I’ve managed to completely skip a bra size. Eff. Seriously, I went from a C to a DD in a blink of an eye. I’m pretty sure my boobs are going to start growing into my armpits soon.

About two weeks ago a girl friend of mine offered to give me some of her old DD bras that didn’t fit her any more. Huge score because bras are expensive and when you need to replace them on a monthly basis free ones become the best ones. So ya, I was thrilled with my new lulu bag of Victoria Secrets. Now here’s the thing. When my gf gave me these bras she said “this should carry you through until baby comes”. I believed her. Why wouldn’t I? I mean I still had some steps to go before making it to a DD and surely I couldn’t keep growing at this rate. On Friday, I decided to see how long I had till I actually needed to start wearing these things (in my mind I was a solid two-three months away). So I put one on, and it fit dammit… like a perfect little glove!! Shock ensues! Now I know that I’ve been stuffing the ladies into every sports bra that I can find in my under drawers for the last week or so…. BUT TWO SIZES?! I quickly tried on the C’s I had purchased literally a month ago and sure enough, they don’t fit. Thank god I only paid $5 for those bras because the ladies aren’t going back in them anytime soon.

Now I know people think I’m crazy when I rant about the science project that is my pregnant self – but it is crazy and in many ways incredible that this happens to women. I sometimes feel like I’m in someone else’s body, or that mirrors play tricks on my eyes. I rant about this stuff because I am often in shock – and with good reason. Chris took a photo of me when we found out we were expecting. I think I was about 5 weeks along. I remember thinking, at the time, that I would never ever show that photo to a single person because I didn’t think I looked very good. I wish I could slap that girl in the face because she was a crazy person. Now I’m going to show you. Not because I want you to see my barely pregnant belly, but so you can appreciate how absolultely GREAT you look right now! Something I wish I had appreciated more at that time. You may also come to understand why I feel like my head is on another person’s body. Oh, and here is my 20 week pregnant self with my boobs stuffed in a sporty for good comparison. Happy whale watching!

5 week self:

 20 week self:


1 comment:

  1. While I am not happy that you are fitting into the DD bras already, I am happy that I was able to help out. There are more where those came from if you need it.
