Sunday, July 31, 2011

Public Flatulence. Can pure mortification be overcome?

I’ve been taking prenatal yoga for about three months and I genuinely look forward to this class every Thursday night. It may actually be one of the best things that I’ve done for myself since getting pregnant. First and foremost, its exercise and its relaxing - which is just lovely when you are “working out”. (Note - the only time in life when exercising should be relaxing is during pregnancy.) It also manages to help me sleep, well for at least 2 or 3 days a week, and I’ll pretty much sell my soul for that. So ya, yoga = good. 
Last Thursday, I headed out to my yoga class as per usual. Arrived just on time, gathered my props and sat on my mat just trying to get up enough courage to chat with one of the other women in the class, maybe even make a friend. I should mention that half of the time I am hoping to make a friend in this class, but I never ever find the nerve to introduce myself (very pubescent of me). This past week was different. Much to my surprise our instructor had us do some partner work. So the window was open. As an added bonus, I got two partners! “Hi, I’m Tash” New friends A and B introduce themselves and we all say how far along we are and there are smiles. This is going well. We do our partner work and continue to talk about what we are having, or think we are having, and we even giggle about the pains of pregnancy together. At one point, we were even asked to quiet down by our instructor! We responded with side glances and more giggles. It felt just like home room in grade nine where I met many of my high school girlfriends. Success!
Near the end of every class, we practice what is referred to as “shavasana” (also known as the “corpse pose”), it's a meditation/relaxation type state in pure silence.  This is generally done on your back - makes sense - but because this is a class full of preggos, we all have to find alternative positions -typically on our sides - because for most of us, lying on our back is not an option. 
Generally, I love Shavasana, that is until I started to move into my side pose and wait for it......I farted. The loudest, most embarrassing fluff even a pregnant girl could make. New. Friendship. Over. In the complete silence of the room, I let out one of the LOUDEST NOISES EVER! Good heavens! Only I could manage to let one rip during one of the most inappropriate and SILENT times of the entire class. DAMN!
Now, you might be thinking, how could the class really know who was responsible for such a noise in a room full of 20 something pregnant ladies. Well let me tell you. As a creature of habit I always position myself at the far right side of the class... it goes, wall, then me. Behind me happens to be my new friend A and beside me, my other new friend B. The noise clearly came from my corner, so they knew... they DEFINITELY knew. In fact, I’m pretty sure it took all of B’s might to hold in the laugh that she nearly blurted out. She knew. I heard the start of the laugh blurt. Im glad she didn’t laugh out loud because if she had I would have lost it myself, likely would have farted again, and it our gut retching laughter, I would have peed my pants. It's a good thing she didn’t start what would have become a very unfortunate string of events for Tash. 
Anyway, I’m still embarrassed. Thankfully I only have one class left this summer. I figure by fall, when I start the equivalent of grade 12 in my pregnancy, everyone will have forgotten. Either that or I’m going to need to find a new pregger class to make friends in.
So again, when I say its a gas town over here, I mean it. It's horribly embarrassing and I may never get over it. 

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