Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bun in my Love Oven

The word is out. I am pregnant. Growing a human life inside my love oven. A tadpole that grows arm buds and fingernails. Like a LIVE human from scratch. This tiny little bean went from microscopic to the size of an onion in 17 weeks. It’s practically science fiction! Its incredible! Incredibly terrifying that is - Chris and I are going to be parents and we have no idea what we are doing. Excellent.

Now I realize that it is 2011 and I haven’t been so consistent with the upkeep of our blog (see last post: May 2009), however I have been busy being all wife-y, so get over it. Here I am, ready to blog once again about our adventures - starting with this little human project we’ve got going on. Now I promise this wont be like those other blogs that I’ve started... this one I will stay on top of because I promised someone that I would document this pregnancy and while I like to write in an old fashioned journal, like a 13 year old teenager with deep secrets that need to be kept locked in a book, hidden in the closet, its not the 90’s anymore. People these days air out all their dirty laundry all over the Internet, or as C puts it “everyone and their dog wants a blog”. Obviously! How else do you get oodles of people to listen to what you’ve got to say? And lets be serious here, if you can’t say how you feel when you’re pregnant then when can you really? (i.e. Great time to rekindle adventure blog)

So now is the time - the time to bare all there is to bare - and let me assure you, when you get pregnant there seems to be a LOT to bare. I vow to be honest and forth coming about this experience and I apologize in advance to my loving husband and soon to be child for the embarrassment that I am about to become to them. I suspect that they will continue to love me because who doesn't love a pregnant person? Even when they are revoltingly gassy, swollen, bloated, flaky and roller coaster of emotion. They are carrying life, sweet, innocent, beautiful life that will one day take all of the attention away from your sagging boobs, straggly hair and puffy eyes simply due to their sheer adorableness.

That’s part of my plan anyway...grow adorable baby.

Exhibit A: C and T adorable baby to be:

So here you have it. The start of my journey into motherhood (and our adventure as parents). Wish me well. No wait... lets wish Chris and our unborn child well... they are likely the ones who are going to need it.


1 comment:

  1. Well, cheers to the inappropriate revelations to come! I hope you keep linking new posts to fb, because I always forget to check blogs. :)

    Aunty Jen :)
