Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wishful Wednesday

There is a radio station in Calgary that does this “What you Want Wednesday” segment. I suspect every city with a radio station does this same kinda thing. There are very few things that are unique about a top 40 radio station, but that’s beside the point...there are also very few things unique about wanting to start a blog about pregnancy - I’m going to steal their idea anyway. So when I remember, on Wednesdays, I plan to tell you about all the ridiculous things I want; starting with a king size bed. 
I know I’m not super preggers yet (see adorable 17 week bump photo) but C is a large man, sleeps in the middle of the bed and is crampin’ my style. OK, well maybe I’m cramping his style. Who knows. Either way, styles are cramped.

17 Week Baby Bump:

I did read that when you get pregnant it becomes impossible to sleep.However, I suspected that wouldn't happen until I reached the size of a beached whale, needing ropes to lift me out of bed, and not while I was still cute pregnant. But I am cute pregnant (revisit 17 week photo) and its getting tight in there. 

This is what I imagine:

Call me crazy pants, but I would like for us to stay sleeping together. The three of us: C, the bean and I. For some whack psychological reason I think this is good for our unborn baby. So in the meantime, there is something to be said about us being smacked-up-and-sweaty beside each other that seems healthy and right.  No, I am not aware of any research that proves any of this, so if you are smarty pants and know of some, send it to me, it might just get me a bed. 
Now I know what you’re thinking, “just go buy yourself a bed” or maybe you are thinking why the heck did you buy a queen size bed in the first place? Firstly, I can’t buy a bed when we are months away from moving to the other side of the world - hence the wish, and secondly, we didn’t get a king size bed for the same reason we bought a 2 door vehicle. We’re pea-brains who didn’t consider our unborn baby years ago when we made these silly decisions. And now I’m stuck, pregnant, on a quarter of the bed wishing I had a bigger one. Sad face. 


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