Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Magic Wednesday Wish #2

For this Wednesday, I have a rather reasonable wish. Cooperation. Tomorrow is a BIG day! Its time to see what this little one has been pushing out or sucking in. Tomorrow is our last ultrasound (assuming we continue to sail smoothly through this pregnancy) and ultimately the only time we will get an opportunity to get a sneak peek on what this little one has between their legs. 
So I am hoping and wishing that this little baby Reynolds will be spread eagle tomorrow. Legs wide open! (That will be the one and only time I ever say that - ever) 
We are still pretty indifferent as to wether it is a girl or a boy buuuuuut.... I was in the park today, and I saw the cuuuuuutest little baby girl EVER! Like, I could have eaten her up she was so cute.... and it made me start to think about how much fun I would have if the bean was a girl... and then I remember what teenager girl babies are like and I change my mind. I also remember that I’ve always wanted to have a little boy first, so that one day my precious little girl would have a big brother... something I always wanted as the first born....My sister probably wanted that too. I wouldn't blame her if she did because teenage girls are crazy, remember? I too was once a crazy teenage girl.

Annnnyway, little boys always LOVE their mom - given what I know about moms and boys - so a little boy that would just love me would be wonderful. They can also be uber cute. Sure, I can’t put a ponytail on the top of my baby boys head.... but I could find a cute hat or something. 
Ok, so ya, whatever this little one is... we’ll be pumped. 
So please cross your fingers that our baby uncrosses its legs. 

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