Sunday, June 12, 2011

Scientific Method of Conception

*Parental Warning: Maybe skip this one...we are your children.

Whoever said that getting pregnant isn’t rocket science is a liar. Getting pregnant IS pretty much rocket science! Ya, I said it. This task is not for the faint hearted. For those of you who got pregnant before your partner even removed their pants, consider yourself baby-makin’ miracles! Because this shiznit takes research, experiments, trial and error and trial and trial and trial and more trial. It takes time, and just when you think you’ve got the formula finally figured out, error.
There are all sorts of methods to learn (again very science-y):You can run tests on yourself to find your “prime time” - this happens to involve a very expensive pee stick:

You can have sex every other day — which is fun at first and then its like that job you hate going to every night. I mean, no one likes sex to feel like a job...unless maybe you happen to be a... Nope, even they don’t like it. Some will stick their legs up in the air for 15 minutes after sex - which is super attractive.
You can do "it" forwards, backwards, sideways, upside down... if you want to get pregnant its incredible what you will try. Trust me, we tried it all and managed to fail miserably.

So we stopped trying. Too much work. If a baby was going to come, a baby was going to come. Back to drinking the vino I love, no more pee sticks, legs flat under the covers, and voila, one crazy week in Mexico later... I’m pregnant. Literally the moment I stopped caring, the bean decides to make its debut. Just like rocket science, when you don’t even care to solve the damn problem anymore, you find the solution (based on my experience with rocket science...). The simplest, easiest method shines, right there before your eyes, you know, the one you just happened to look past because lifting your legs in the air seemed so much more plausible.

Good luck baby makers, good luck.


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