Friday, June 17, 2011

P or V? That is the question!

In about a week, Chris and I will be finding out the sex of our bean. Will it be a colossal Chris baby or a tiny Tash baby? Ok, well, Chris wasn’t exaaactly colossal and I wasn’t particularly tiny, but Chris does have a huge head and I have more of a peanut head. (Seriously there is like a 3 inch difference between the two of our heads). So you can imagine why I feel it necessary to find out what I will be pushing out of my va-jay jay in a few months. Either way, I’m pretty sure it will birth a giant toddler seeing how pregnant I already look and gauging by the general size of Reynolds' babies at birth. 9 – 10lbs looks about average. FML.

I am also a planner, well actually Chris the planner, but seeing as there is already so much “new” happening around our lives a gender surprise at birth just isn’t something we need to add to our plate of wonders. So I would like to know ASAP if we have a P in there or a V in there.

We don’t have a preference at this time, though we are both pretty sure it’s a boy. I just feel like it’s a boy in there. Maybe because I feel like I’ve become boy, which is weird because I’m pregnant – but I’ve pretty much turned into a gross, gassy, unattractive pant wearing boy. Especially when it comes to the bathroom business – I’ll tell you about that some other time. What I don’t feel is radiant and glowing – that is a pregnancy mystery to me. People tell me that I have the “pregnancy glow” but I think that is the only nice thing a person can think to say when you’re getting fat and producing acne making oils all over your face. Again – everyone loves a pregnant person….. the sweet, sweet, life carrying thing again.

Annnnyway….I’d like to birth a girl baby with my size head cause I feel that would be easiest way to start parenthood (well, for now. Girl babies become teenagers, and I imagine raising a girl teenager will be like living in a horror film for 8 years)…but the thought of pushing a boy baby out of my down town - with C’s head genes - is like a gory horror film, which, I hate even more than regular horror films. So ya, either way, I’m effed.

Ok, I’m not totally effed. I actually can’t wait for our baby to come! AND I really NEED to know what it is because I actually have the patience of a newborn and the thought of waiting 4.5 more months just to know what I’m growing is literally killing me inside! I also want to buy things, fun, adorable, baby things that match the gender that Chris so graciously produced for us in his man bits.

So what do you think we’re having?? I’d like to know, so that I can compare your psychic genius to what God actually decided to put in there. (Not in a Jesus baby way, in a “He’s the only one who actually knows” kinda way). Stay tuned for the results.


  1. Well my Chinese birth chart I live by says boy, BUT you say you feel less than attractive, my family says that girl babies take your beauty to grow, and that since boy babies dont need it they leave it with you. HOWEVER again, according to said photo in previous blog, my outside opinion has to remain boy since you look incredible.
    IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO FIND OUT. its marked on my calender, so prepare to be bombarded with phone calls/texts that day.
    Much love
    ps. Im farty too.

  2. I think you're having a girl. But I think that pretty much 100% of the time anyone is preggers, so I have about a 50% average on calling it correctly. ;)

    Also, have you thought of having the ultrasound tech write down what you're having instead of telling you? We had the lady write it on a paper, and she stapled it closed so neither of us would peek, and then we went out for dinner and had the big reveal moment. You could have a guess the gender party! Have little p's and v's all over your it's sounding like a totally different kind of party... BUT, I think having a gender party is right up yours and Chris's alley. Think about it! =)

    Aunty Jen (PS. Is it okay that I'm posting as aunty this early? People are going to wonder if I'm Chris or Tash's aunty and wonder why they've never heard of me...but I'm such an excited aunty to be!!!)

  3. Well I got so excited reading about the bean that I made Dano follow your blog...not me, I was trying to set up twitter but was unsuccessful! Anyway I just hope that little bean uncrosses its legs in about a weeks time and says look Mom and Dad this is who I am!!!!!

    And we would definitely attend the party Aunty Jen is suggesting ;)

  4. I DID IT!!!


  5. Twins! ;) boy and girl
