Saturday, June 25, 2011

Drumroll Please....

Ladies and Gentlemen, the news you have all been waiting for (insert super hero noise here)....there is a big fat P in there!! Well, its not that big... its actually quite a teeny weeny right now...but its in there alright. Baby Reynolds is no longer an it, or a he/she, he is a boy! We are SO EXCITED!
Now, I know what you are wondering. How am I really feeling about all this? Especially given that baby Reynolds will likely have Chris’ gigantic boy genes, most specifically, his large knowledge filled noggin. Yes, I hear your concern. My first thought... Gorror Film. Second poor who who. Third thought...I’m not convinced that a Chris baby is actually going to come out of there. So, ya, I’m a little worried. BUT my fourth thought is.... I love him SO MUCH! Whether or not we like it, a colossal Chris baby is coming in 21 weeks and I will love him no matter how giant he turns out to be. For today I have chosen not to worry about the wreckage that is about to become my down town, but will focus on the magic. We are having the sweetest, most adorable little baby boy you ever did see, well at least I think he is. Its a little hard to tell on a black and white ultrasound scan, buuut I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be super cute, especially if he looks like Chris. 
So there you have it. I’m in love, with another boy. A much smaller one, but equally as perfect. Best.Day.Ever. 

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